¨ Guranfoe - progressrock.cz


Britská prog / psych rocková kapela GURANFOE vznikla v září 2012 v Norwichi, Norfolk, Spojené království. Tato čtyřčlenná kapela fungovala v letech 2012-2016 pod názvem GUMBO VARIATION. Od svého založení vydali několik živých alb, která zdůrazňují jejich talent jako kapely, která dokáže vytvořit úžasně poutavou improvizační směs, instrumentálního symfonického progresivního rocku, zasněné psychedelie i jazzových a jam-rockových vlivů, prokládaných občas zvláštními takty, které připomínají Gentle Giant a Franka Zappu. Jejich hudba vyznává prvky progresivního rocku, improvizačního jazzu, psychedelického rocku, elektrické fúze a starověkých rág, přičemž jejich zvuk je silně ovlivněn britskými kapelami z progrockové minulosti jako Gentle Giant, Camel, starými Genesis a Yes. Milovníci staromódního britského prog rockového zvuku ze 70. let si kapelu dozaista zamilují!

Kapela Guranfoe téměř osm let skládala, hrála a vydávala živou hudbu. Po letech psaní strávili mnoho týdnů v bunkru studené války na venkově severně od Norwiche v Anglii, kde nahrávali a míchali desku. Za doprovodu přátel hrajících na klarinet, housle, vibrafon, flétnu a zobcovou flétnu je výsledné album vyvrcholením mnoha let strávených pilováním zvuku studia Guranfoe do něčeho odlišného a jedinečného z jejich živého zvuku.

Až v roce 2019 tak kapela konečně vydala své debutové studiové album "Sum Of Erda" prostřednictvím norského prog labelu Apollon. Kapelu tvoří čtveřice James Burns (kytary), Ollie Snell (kytary), Robin Breze (baskytara, klávesy) a Joe Burns (bicí, perkuse, klávesy). Album má volný koncept. Zemi Guranfoe, místo hudby Guranfoe. Po létě zima, po světle tma. Vítejte v Sum Erda. Mezi hostující hudebníky patří Rob Milne na flétnu a klarinet, David Boyce na zobcovou flétnu, Calum McKemmie na housle a Dan Ball na vibrafon.

Hudba je velmi příjemnou směsí fusion, psychedelické a progresivní hudby, která se všechny spojuje v dynamickém a všestranném mixu, který se zdá být inspirován instrumentální hudbou Franka Zappy, Oresund Space Collective, Sanguine Hum, Antique Seeking Nuns a dalších.

Nedávno podpořili koncertně Caravan, Acid Mothers Temple, Black Peaches, Focus a Soft Machine. V roce 2019 si zahráli na festivalech ve Walesu, Norsku a po Anglii.

Mladé britské progrockové kvarteto Guranfoe oznámilo vydání svého druhého studiového alba na 28. října 2022 prostřednictvím bandcampové stránky kapely. Album dostalo název "Gumbo Gumbo". "Některá hudba na "Gumbo Gumbo" byla napsána před více než deseti lety během začátku kapely, zatímco jiné části byly napsány těsně před nahráváním v srpnu 2020," vysvětluje bubeník Joe Burns. "Je to znovuzrození nejstaršího materiálu Guranfoe, který byl ve studiu opět posunut na své limity tím, že hostuje hudebníky hrající na flétnu, saxofony, perkuse a další". Mezi tyto hostující hudebníky patří Rob Milne na flétnu a saxofon, Arthur Yann Le Baleur na perkuse a Rob Baker na lap steel kytaru a zpěv.

James Burns - Electric Guitars, Acoustic Guitars
Ollie Snell - Electric Guitars, Acoustic Guitars, Lap Steel Guitar
Robin G. Breeze - Bass Guitar, Piano, Hammond T-202 Organ, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Joe Burns - Drums, Percussion, Piano, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Bývalí členové:

Členové James Burns
(Narozen ***)
Electric Guitars, Acoustic Guitars

James Burns je britský hudebník a hráč na kytaru. Je znám především jako člen kapely Guranfoe.

Členové Ollie Snell
(Narozen ***)
Electric Guitars, Acoustic Guitars, Lap Steel Guitar

Ollie Snell je britský hudebník a hráč na kytaru. Je znám především jako člen kapely Guranfoe.

Členové Robin G. Breeze
(Narozen ***)
Bass Guitar, Piano, Hammond T-202 Organ, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer

Robin G. Breeze je britský hudebník a hráč na baskytaru, varhany a sentezátor. Je znám především jako člen kapely Guranfoe.

Členové Joe Burns
(Narozen ***)
Drums, Percussion, Piano, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer

Joe Burns je britský hudebník a hráč na bicí a perkuze. Je znám především jako člen kapely Guranfoe. V poslední době take zformoval prog metalové trio Jomo Tuun, které nedávno vydalo své debutové album "One Tuun" pod labelem Drongo Records.

Studiové desky:
2022 Gumbo Gumbo
2019 Sum Of Erda

EP desky:
2014 Toads Of The Short Forest
2013 Little Dots

Živé nahrávky:
2022 On Dent
2021 Nek An Hew
2021 Live at The Boathouse Studio
2020 Remote Transmissions
2019 Lothwistaf
2019 Live at Baker's Oven Recording Studio
2018 Ranworthor
2017 Live At The Dub Cavern Studio
2017 Moot Ketter
2016 Bucheham Saga
2015 Yunsur
2015 Karo Batak
2014 Iceni
2014 Live At Old School Studios II
2014 Altai Tavan
2013 Gomara
2013 Live At Old School Studios

James Burns - electric guitars, acoustic guitars, 12-string acoustic, bass, piano, Roland Juno-60 synth, Mellotron M4000D
Ollie Snell - electric guitars, acoustic guitars, lap steel guitar
Robin G. Breeze - bass, baby grand piano, Roland Juno-60 synth, Mellotron M4000D, Korg Minilogue
Joe Burns - drums, percussion
Rob Milne - flute, saxophone
Rob Baker - lap steel guitar, voice
Arthur Yann Le Baleur - percussion
Diskografie Gumbo Gumbo
Vyšlo 28. října 2022,

Seznam skladeb:
01. Aravalli Wood ()
02. Et Alias (12:12)
03. Indigo Moon ()
04. To The Sun ()
05. Django ()
Total Time: (00:00)

Produced by James Burns and Joe Burns
Recorded during August-October 2020, March 2021, December 2021, February-March 2022
Primary recording by Rob Baker at Baker’s Oven Recording Studio during August 2020 - March 2022
Recording Assistance: Samuel Easter
Additional recording: Bob Kidby at The Stupid Music Barn during September 2020
Additional recording: Mikey Shaw at The Dub Cavern Studio during December 2021 - February 2022
Mixed: Mikey Shaw during February 2021 - May 2022 at The Dub Cavern Studio
Mastered: JJ Golden at Golden Mastering during June 2022
Art: Micha Huigen

James Burns - electric guitars, acoustic guitars
Ollie Snell - electric guitars, acoustic guitars, lap steel guitar
Robin G. Breeze - bass guitar, piano, Hammond T-202 organ, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Joe Burns - drums, percussion, piano, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Rob Milne - flute, clarinet
David Boyce - recorder
Calum McKemmie - violin
Dan Ball - vibraphone
Diskografie Sum Of Erda
Vyšlo 13. prosince 2019, Apollon Records, ARP029CD

Seznam skladeb:
01. Eventide (7:51)
02. Night's First Light (9:04)
03. Karu Vatsarin (7:04)
04. Etsinta Visions (2:59)
05. Etsinta Harvest In The Thar Sands (9:39)
Total Time: (36:37)

Produced by Joe Burns
Recorded by Mikey Shaw at The Crunch Recording Studio, Badersfield, England, during August-September 2018
Mixed by Mikey Shaw at The Crunch Recording Studio, Badersfield, England, during October-December 2018
Mastered by Jens Petter Nilsen at Tinfoil Audio, Honefoss, Norway, during December 2018-January 2019
Art: John Hurford
Photographs: Samuel Clarke

James Burns - electric guitars, acoustic guitars
Ollie Snell - electric guitars, acoustic guitars, lap steel guitar
Robin G. Breeze - bass guitar, piano, Hammond T-202 organ, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Joe Burns - drums, percussion, piano, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Diskografie Toads Of The Short Forest
Vyšlo 31. prosince 2014,

Seznam skladeb:
01. Toads of the Short Forest (Frank Zappa) (3:17)
02. Toad's End (2:48)
03. Toads of the Short Forest (Alternative Solos #1) (3:24)
04. Toad's End (Alternative Solos #1) (2:41)
05. Toads of the Short Forest (Alternative Solos #2) (3:19)
06. Toad's End (Alternative Solos #2) (2:46)
07. Hiiumaa (2:05)
08. Treacherous Cretins (Frank Zappa) (3:45)
Total Time: (00:00)

We recorded this short album at home between August and December of 2014 as part of a project put together by Cordelia Records and various other musicians and bands
The aim of the project was to produce a complete cover of the "Weasels Ripped My Flesh" album by Frank Zappa, which we called "Weasels Re-Ripped" All the artists involved have not made a penny from the "Weasels Re-Ripped" album
However, Cordelia Records thinks that, after manufacturing costs and mechanical royalties, they might be able to break even within twenty or thirty years
Guranfoe were called Gumbo Variation from September 2012 to May 2016. To find out more about this project and this track, please try using the old name
Recorded and Mixed: Joe Burns and James Burns
Artwork and Design: Robin Breeze and Joe Burns
Photography: on.fb.me/1Sga3xY

James Burns - electric guitars, acoustic guitars
Ollie Snell - electric guitars, acoustic guitars, lap steel guitar
Robin G. Breeze - bass guitar, piano, Hammond T-202 organ, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Joe Burns - drums, percussion, piano, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Diskografie Little Dots
Vyšlo 31. prosince 2013,

Seznam skladeb:
01. Little Dots (Frank Zappa) (7:44)
02. Little Dots Frank Zappa (Extended Version With Extra Solos, Cosmik Particles And Other Gizmos) (19:24)
Total Time: (27:08)

We recorded this track at home during August and September of 2013 as part of a project put together by Cordelia Records and various other musicians and bands.
The aim was to produce an album of rare and unreleased compositions by Frank Zappa called "Rare Episodes"
All the artists involved do not make a penny from the "Rare Episodes" album. However, Cordelia Records thinks that, after manufacturing costs and mechanical royalties, they might be able to break even. Well, within twenty or thirty years.
Guranfoe were called Gumbo Variation from September 2012 to May 2016. To find this track elsewhere on the web and Spotify, please try using the old name. Recorded and Mxed: Joe Burns
Artwork and Design: Joe Burns
Photography: on.fb.me/20oBmFz

James Burns - electric guitars, acoustic guitars
Ollie Snell - electric guitars, acoustic guitars, lap steel guitar
Robin G. Breeze - bass guitar, piano, Hammond T-202 organ, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Joe Burns - drums, percussion, piano, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Malachi Siner-Cheverst — cello
Henry Watts — congas
Diskografie On Dent
Vyšlo 15. července 2022,

Seznam skladeb:
01. Getting On Dent (7:20)
02. Strong Paynes (4:32)
03. Fidenton (4:09)
04. Darrow Greenmore Glorious Run (5:43)
05. Ent Us No (11:38)
06. Middle Danacre (6:53)
07. Fading Baked Donnet (2:44)
08. Tonden I (7:26)
09. Ront Ded (6:17)
10. Ron Ted Race Peace (2:26)
11. Tonden II (4:24)
Total Time: (00:00)

The music on this album was improvised by Guranfoe at Goat Pen Studios, Denton, England on February 20, 2022
Production: Joe Burns
Recorded: Jason Wick
Mixed and Mastered: Robin G. Breeze
Artwork and Design: Ana-Maria Terr and Joe Burns

James Burns - electric guitars, acoustic guitars
Ollie Snell - electric guitars, acoustic guitars, lap steel guitar
Robin G. Breeze - bass guitar, piano, Hammond T-202 organ, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Joe Burns - drums, percussion, piano, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Ryan Stevenson — Nord Electro 5d, Mellotron 4000D
Toby Carr — trombone
Diskografie Nek An Hew
Vyšlo 1. října 2021,

Seznam skladeb:
01. Hew Space I (3:42)
02. Bek Un I (4:42)
03. Bek Un II (4:19)
04. Bucken (4:01)
05. Bucken Beker (4:21)
06. Nekenheim (3:09)
07. Heimer Desert (3:19)
08. New An Hek Trip (7:13)
09. Hew Space II (6:33)
10. Nek An(4:23)
11. Nak En (6:57)
12. Weh Lumber (8:47)
13. An Hew Flow (7:38)
14. An Hew Finale (8:03)
Total Time: (00:00)

The music on this album was improvised by Guranfoe at New Buckenham Village Hall, New Buckenham, England on June 20, 2021
Production: Joe Burns
Recorded: Samuel Easter
Mixed and Mastered: Robin G. Breeze
Artwork and Design: Ana-Maria Terr

James Burns — acoustic guitar, electric guitar
Ollie Snell — electric guitar, acoustic guitar
Robin G. Breeze — bass
Joe Burns — drums
Rob Milne — flute, saxophone
Irene Katsenelson — viola
Malachi Siner-Cheverst — cello
Diskografie Live at The Boathouse Studio
Vyšlo 7. května 2021,

Seznam skladeb:
01. Crowned By Estuary (12:30)
02. With the Dumnonii Wayfarer (9:34)
03. Etsinta Harvest in the Thar Sands (12:20)
Total Time: (00:00)

The music on this album was performed by Guranfoe at The Boathouse Studio, Shotley, England on April 11, 2021
Production: Joe Burns and James Burns
Recording Engineer: Adam Bowers at The Boathouse Studio
Mixing, Mastering: Robin G. Breeze
Cover Photography: Ricardo Markin
Cover Photography, Design: Joe Burns

James Burns — electric guitars, acoustic guitars
Ollie Snell — electric guitars, acoustic guitars
Robin G. Breeze — bass, melodeon
Joe Burns — drums, percussion, gong, glockenspiel
Diskografie Remote Transmissions
Vyšlo 3. července 2020,

Seznam skladeb:
01. Coming Soon (7:40)
02. Remote Transmission II (5:18)
03. Remote Transmission III (5:02)
04. Remote Transmission IV (8:06)
05. Remote Transmission V (10:44)
06. Remote Transmission VI (6:23)
07. Remote Transmission VII (5:28)
08. Remote Transmission VIII (5:00)
Total Time: (00:00)

This special improvisational recording project was undertaken while quarantined during the COVID-19 lockdown. All parts were recorded remotely during May and June 2020
This collection of improvisations was recorded remotely by the players in their homes
Produced: Joe Burns
Mixed and Mastered: Robin G. Breeze
Artwork and Design: Joe Burns

James Burns - electric guitars, acoustic guitars
Ollie Snell - electric guitars, acoustic guitars, lap steel guitar
Robin G. Breeze - bass guitar, piano, Hammond T-202 organ, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Joe Burns - drums, percussion, piano, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Samuel Easter - Electric Guitar
Dan Ball - Vibraphone, Percussion, Plastic Tube
Diskografie Lothwistaf
Vyšlo 1. prosince 2019,

Seznam skladeb:
01. Sawf (4:16)
02. Ackthwis (6:41)
03. Sawf Reprise (1:37)
04. Ackthwis Reprise (1:03)
05. Wistaf Space I (1:44)
06. Thwistack (5:48)
07. Wistaf Space II (1:27)
08. Staf Evils (4:15)
09. Stotha (2:29)
10. Loths (5:38)
11. Loths Finale (2:00)
12. Wistaf Space III (6:04)
13. Othist I (5:38)
14. Wistaf Space IV (2:05)
15. Othist II (12:34)
16. Othist Finale (2:34)
Total Time: (00:00)

The music on this album was improvised by Guranfoe at Baker's Oven Recording Studio, Lowestoft, England on December 1, 2019
Production: Joe Burns
Recorded, Mixed and Mastered: Rob Baker at Baker's Oven Recording Studio, Lowestoft, England
Artwork and Design: Joe Burns

James Burns - electric guitars, acoustic guitars
Ollie Snell - electric guitars, acoustic guitars, lap steel guitar
Robin G. Breeze - bass guitar, piano, Hammond T-202 organ, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Joe Burns - drums, percussion, piano, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Diskografie Live at Baker's Oven Recording Studio
Vyšlo 26. října 2019,

Seznam skladeb:
01. Over Haven Shores (1:15)
02. Petrichor at Forenoon (9:36)
03. Indigo Moon (10:41)
04. Et Alias (9:40)
05. Sequestered in Pine City (7:15)
06. Pine City Song (1:41)
Total Time: (00:00)

The music on this album was performed by Guranfoe at Baker's Oven Recording Studio, Lowestoft, England on October 26, 2019
Produced by Joe Burns
Recorded, Mixed and Mastered: Rob Baker at Baker's Oven Recording Studio, Lowestoft, England
Additional Mixing: Rob Baker at Compass House, Cambridge, England
Cover photographs: Freya Clarke and Laurence Bonning-Schmitt
Artwork and Design: Joe Burns

James Burns - electric guitars, acoustic guitars
Ollie Snell - electric guitars, acoustic guitars, lap steel guitar
Robin G. Breeze - bass guitar, piano, Hammond T-202 organ, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Joe Burns - drums, percussion, piano, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Arthur Yann Le Baleur - Drums
Rob Milne - Saxophone, flute, clarinet
Diskografie Ranworthor
Vyšlo 21. prosince 2018,

Seznam skladeb:
01. Swinsian (11:19)
02. Jackhopper (7:41)
03. Madrugada (5:05)
04. Give Life, The Skies (14:02)
05. Clegain Fires Mortar (9:14)
06. Kinloch Silakhor (13:12)
07. Wak (4:35)
09. 8Ranworth Followers (12:17)
10. Gowar I (12:42)
11. Gowar II (5:42)
12. Gowar III (12:31)
Total Time: (00:00)

The music on this album was improvised by Guranfoe in a village hall in Ranworth, England on December 21, 2018
"Swinsian [Live improvisation / December 21, 2018]" contains a tease of "Norwegian Wood" by The Beatles
"Kinloch Silakhor [Live improvisation / December 21, 2018]" contains a tease of "Crumbling Castle" by King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard
Recorded: Freya Clarke and Joe Burns
Produced: Joe Burns
Artwork and Design: Joe Burns
Cover Photography: Ollie Snell
Photography: bit.ly/2ECBeB8

James Burns - electric guitars, acoustic guitars
Ollie Snell - electric guitars, acoustic guitars, lap steel guitar
Robin G. Breeze - bass guitar, piano, Hammond T-202 organ, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Joe Burns - drums, percussion, piano, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Diskografie Live At The Dub Cavern Studio
Vyšlo 29. října 2017,

Seznam skladeb:
01. Petrichor at Forenoon (6:13)
02. Bedouin (4:59)
03. Eventide (8:14)
04. Toad's End (2:56)
05. Night's First Light (10:42)
06. Karu Vatsarin (7:15)
07. Etsinta Visions (2:07)
08. Etsinta Harvest in the Thar Sands (11:54)
Total Time: (00:00)

The music on this album was performed by Guranfoe at The Dub Cavern Studio, Wymondham, England on September 16, 2017
Recorded, Mixed and Mastered: Mikey Shaw
Artwork and Design: Joe Burns
Cover Photography: Rushil Choudhary
Photography: bit.ly/2x7Uf7Z

James Burns - electric guitars, acoustic guitars
Ollie Snell - electric guitars, acoustic guitars, lap steel guitar
Robin G. Breeze - bass guitar, piano, Hammond T-202 organ, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Joe Burns - drums, percussion, piano, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Diskografie Moot Ketter
Vyšlo 3. prosince 2017,

Seznam skladeb:
01. Dohi Elders (8:25)
02. Bateleur Eagle Flight (3:54)
03. Zipf's Pepper (9:47)
04. Oata Harrah (3:30)
05. Lyfe Berth (4:47)
06. Foor Sun Vale (5:07)
07. Tressit (6:18)
08. The Siger Hills (2:17)
09. Sun Ship, Take Off (2:32)
10. Carrion Falling (5:44)
Total Time: (00:00)

The music on this album was improvised by Guranfoe at The Dub Cavern Studio, Wymondham, UK on September 17, 2017
The song "Dohi Elders [Live improvisation, September 17, 2017]" contains a quote from the song "Heart From Us All" by White Denim
The song "Bateleur Eagle Flight [Live improvisation, September 17, 2017]" contains a quote from the song "Django" by Guranfoe
Production: Joe Burns
Recorded, Mixed and Mastered: Mikey Shaw
Artwork, Design and Photography: Joe Burns
Photography: bit.ly/2x7Uf7Z

James Burns - electric guitars, acoustic guitars
Ollie Snell - electric guitars, acoustic guitars, lap steel guitar
Robin G. Breeze - bass guitar, piano, Hammond T-202 organ, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Joe Burns - drums, percussion, piano, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Alex Brundle - Guitar
Rob Milne - Saxophone, Flute, Percussion)
Thomas Howe - Keyboards
Toby Carr - Trombone)
Diskografie Bucheham Saga
Vyšlo 31. prosince 2016,

Seznam skladeb:
01. Lothian (3:30)
02. Time for Cape Arid (8:29)
03. Amaranth (24:45)
04. Gee, Good Day Celebration (1:30)
05. Ornery Monument (7:21)
06. Grey Going to the Forest (5:25)
07. Visiting the Toads (6:31)
08. The End of Willowwack (5:41)
09. Ecrimony (13:49)
10. The Orka March Forward (6:07)
11. Parade of Ort (10:11)
12. And the Drained Departure (9:34)
13. Barren Orka Land (5:39)
14. Torn Plain Before Dark Storm (7:24)
15. Ancient Lingering (0:59)
16. Gathering of Bucheham (9:11)
17. Wack Collection (8:45)
18. Clorenn Builders (6:53)
19. Entrance of the White Willow (6:52)
20. Great Feathen (7:16)
21.Willowwack Epilogue for Faraday (4:28) Total Time: (00:00)

The music on this album was improvised by Guranfoe in a village hall in Old Buckenham, UK on December 27, 2016
Recorded: Freya Clarke and Joe Burns
Produced: Joe Burns
Artwork and Design: Joe Burns
Cover Photography: Ollie Snell
Photography: bit.ly/2jBL0Ia

James Burns - electric guitars, acoustic guitars
Ollie Snell - electric guitars, acoustic guitars, lap steel guitar
Robin G. Breeze - bass guitar, piano, Hammond T-202 organ, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Joe Burns - drums, percussion, piano, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Diskografie Yunsur
Vyšlo 26. června 2015,

Seznam skladeb:
01. Ravenna We Go (5:45)
02. Here Are The Long Fig People (5:23)
03. The Long Fig People Take Passage (2:28)
04. Nomatter (7:17)
05. Athena (3:40)
06. Besloor Prophecies (5:27)
Total Time: (00:34)

The music on this album was improvised by Guranfoe in a small room in Old Buckenham, UK on June 26, 2015
Recorded: Joe Burns
Mixed: James Burns

Artwork and Design: Joe Burns

James Burns - electric guitars, acoustic guitars
Ollie Snell - electric guitars, acoustic guitars, lap steel guitar
Robin G. Breeze - bass guitar, piano, Hammond T-202 organ, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Joe Burns - drums, percussion, piano, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Alex Brundle - Guitars
Callum Brundle - Percussion
Diskografie Karo Batak
Vyšlo 4. ledna 2015,

Seznam skladeb:
01. Medusa (15:07)
02. Remora's Freeride (8:42)
03. Lanugo (7:01)
04. Tomarken (Prelude)(3:07)
05. Tomarken (Part 1) (5:13)
06. Tomarken (Part 2) (9:48)
07. Tomarken (Part 3) (4:28)
08. Three Bowls (3:17)
09. Moniker (7:34)
10. Nusa Beer (6:50)
11. Bespin Launching (8:00)
12. Ovalata (12:54)
13. Ovalata Stomp (2:10)
14. Melaluka (8:13)
Total Time: (00:34)

The music on this album was improvised by Guranfoe in a small room in Old Buckenham, UK on January 3, 2015
The song "Remora's Freeride [Live improvisation, January 3, 2015]" contains a quote from the song "La Bamba" by Ritchie Valens and the song "Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)" by The Beatles
Recorded and Mixed: Tristan Butler and Joe Burns
Artwork and Design: Joe Burns

James Burns - electric guitars, acoustic guitars
Ollie Snell - electric guitars, acoustic guitars, lap steel guitar
Robin G. Breeze - bass guitar, piano, Hammond T-202 organ, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Joe Burns - drums, percussion, piano, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Tristan Butler - Vibraphone, Congas, Percussion
Diskografie Iceni
Vyšlo 22. září 2014,

Seznam skladeb:
01. Kingdom of the East Angles (9:34)
02. Red Deer Cave People (6:26)
03. Matterhorn (15:05)
04. Arabia Felix Temple 1990 (11:21)
05. The Wild Man of Orford (8:23)
06. Kunda (7:26)
07. Bikin (10:03)
08. Tagherat Anekrim (7:06)
09. The Little Orange Flying Car (9:40)
10. Terra Australis (10:38)
Total Time: (00:34)

The music was improvised by Guranfoe in a small room in a countryside studio in Old Buckenham, UK on April 13, 2014
The song "Terra Australis [Live improvisation, June 27, 2014]" has a quote from the song "Indigo Moon" by Guranfoe
Recorded and Mixed: Tristan Butler and Joe Burns
Artwork and Design: Joe Burns
Photography: goo.gl/sb2rNz

James Burns - electric guitars, acoustic guitars
Ollie Snell - electric guitars, acoustic guitars, lap steel guitar
Robin G. Breeze - bass guitar, piano, Hammond T-202 organ, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Joe Burns - drums, percussion, piano, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Diskografie Live At Old School Studios II
Vyšlo 17. července 2014,

Seznam skladeb:
01. 10th Air (2:59)
02. Sequestered in Pine City (2:07)
03. Raingrass (3:38)
04. Indigo Moon (8:27)
05. Circumvesuviana (3:52)
06. Coronado's Encounter (8:20)
07. Satao (6:04)
Total Time: (00:34)

The music on this album was performed by Guranfoe at Old School Studios, Norwich, England on June 26, 2014
Recorded and Mixed: Jason Baldock and Conor Etteridge
Artwork and Design: Joe Burns
Photography: goo.gl/hqNgkI

James Burns - Electric Guitars, Acoustic Guitars
Ollie Snell - Electric Guitars, Acoustic Guitars, Lap Steel Guitar
Robin G. Breeze - Bass Guitar, Piano, Hammond T-202 Organ, Gem Sprinter 49 B Synthesizer
Joe Burns - Drums, Percussion, Piano, Gem Sprinter 49 B Synthesizer
Diskografie Altai Tavan
Vyšlo 14. dubna 2014,

Seznam skladeb:
01. Ibonek (6:28)
02. Greenwater River (8:02)
03. Goa Kappa (8:00)
04. Culebra Refuge (Prelude) (1:22)
05. Culebra Refuge (6:20)
06. Electric Mandelbrot (3:25)
07. The Syr Darya in April (1:50)
Total Time: (00:34)

The music on this album was improvised by Guranfoe in a small room in Old Buckenham, England on April 13, 2014
The song "Culebra Refuge [Live improvisation, April 13, 2014]" contains a quote from the song "Divided Sky" by Phish
Recorded and Mixed: Joe Burns
Artwork and Design: Joe Burns

James Burns - Electric & Acoustic Guitars
Ollie Snell - Electric & Acoustic Guitars, Lap Steel Guitar
Robin G. Breeze - Bass, Piano, Hammond T-202 Organ, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Joe Burns - Drums, Percussion, Piano, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Callum Brundle - Guitars
Ben Chatburn - Drums
Diskografie Gomara
Vyšlo 21. září 2013

Seznam skladeb:
01. The Crater Lake (2:07)
02. Ibn Battuta (10:49)
03. Moe Parr [(2:31)
04. Leaf (2:48)
05. Cambodian Tailorbird (6:51)
06. Maderas from Space (3:47)
07. Bedouin (0:53)
08. Yala (14:12)
09. Sidihoni (7:39)
Total Time (45:24)

Recorded and improvised by Guranfoe in a garage in Old Buckenham, United Kingdom on July 10, 2013
Recorded and Mixed: Joe Burns
Artwork and Design: Joe Burns

James Burns - electric guitars, acoustic guitars
Ollie Snell - electric guitars, acoustic guitars, lap steel guitar
Robin G. Breeze - bass guitar, piano, Hammond T-202 organ, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Joe Burns - drums, percussion, piano, Gem Sprinter 49 B synthesizer
Diskografie Live At Old School Studios
Vyšlo 4. května 2013,

Seznam skladeb:
01. Aravalli Wood (3:35)
02. Et Alias (4:30)
03. Suspended North (6:50)
04. You, the Octopus and the Other People (3:01)
05. Bedouin (2:04)
06. Clearwater (4:55)
07. Walnut (7:19)
08. Bus 142 (5:43)
09. To The Sun (3:10)
10. Django (4:48)
Total Time: (00:00)

Recorded by Guranfoe at Old School Studios, Norwich, United Kingdom on April 27, 2013
Recorded: Conor Etteridge
Mixed: Conor Etteridge and Jason Baldock
Artwork and Design: Joe Burns and Conor Etteridge


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