AMARAN'S PLIGHT je nová prog metalová supergroup, kterou vytvořili v Allentown, Pennsylvania, United States v roce 2006 hudebníci:

DC Cooper - Vocals
Gary Wehrkamp - Guitar, Keyboard
Nick D'Virgilio - Drums
Kurt Barabas - Bass

Pokud máte nějaké pochybnosti o podobných all-star projektech, zejména proto, že výsledky mohou znít vždy velmi profesionálně, ale také velmi často vám připomenou hlavní kapely, ze kterých kvalitativně čerpají své zdroje. U AMARAN'S PLIGHT tato doměnka není potvrzena a debut "Voice In The Light" zní to jako skutečně nová kapela. A označení stylu??? Snad heavy guitar-oriented prog.

Debutové album skupiny "Voice in the Light" vyšlo celosvětově na jaře 2007 u Progrock Records. Deska byla nahrána v roce 2006 ve studiu Gary Wehrkampa New Horizon Studio a je skoro ukázkovou učebnicí symfonického progresivního metalu. Spojuje v sobě proměnlivý vokál DC Coopera s mistrovskými riffy a melodiemi Garyho Wehrkampa, které jsou podepřeny zvukově dynamickou a výbušnou rytmickou sekcí v podání Nicka D'Virgilio a Kurta Barabase.

Spolupráce mezi Gary Wehrkampem a DC Cooperem jim není cizí. Gary je klávestista, kytarista a producent progresivních veteránů SHADOW GALLERY. DC Cooper se objevil v roce 1999 na jejich koncepčním albu "Tyranny" jako hostující zpěvák v epické skladbě "New World Order". Fanoušci GALLERY SHADOW od té doby toužili po spolupráci dvojice Wehrkamp/Cooper. DC Cooper je zpěvákem power prog-metalové kapely SILENT FORCE. Před tím než spojil své síly s kytaristou Alexem Boyrodt a vytvořili SILENT FORCE, byl zpěvákem progresivních veteránů ROYAL HUNT.

Nick D'Virgilio je jedním z nejlépe hodnocených progresivních bubeníků. Kromě toho, že je hnací silou Spock 'S Beard, hrával i s Mike Keneallym, Kevinem Gilbertem, Tears For Fears a Genesis (koncertně). Nick se bubnováním na desce "Voice in the Light" vyšvihl na další úroveň s vrcholným výkonem s rostoucími emocemi, srdcem a úderným zvukem, což je na debutovém albu kapely slyšet.

Kurt Barabas je jedním ze zakládajících členů kapely z Los Angeles UNDER THE SUN a společně s SHADOW GALLERY byl součásti prog revivalových uskupení pro nahrávky u labelu Magna Carta počátkem 90. let. Kurtovo hraní na basu je často označovánp jako hnací síla kapely UNDER THE SUN.

Fanoušci syntézy těchto hudebníků a jejich domovských prog kapel a fanoušci metalu obecně si kapelu AMARAN'S PLIGHT určitě oblíbí, neboť každý z nich tu najde něco na jejich debutovém albu.

Kdo si chce počíst a více se dozvědět o albu, na následující adrese nalezne rozhovor s Gary Wehrkampem a Kurtem Barabasem:

DC Cooper - Vocals (ex-ROYAL HUNT, SILENT FORCE)
Gary Wehrkamp - Guitar, Keyboard (SHADOW GALLERY)
Kurt Barabas - Bass (UNDER THE SUN)


Členové Donald Cooper (DC Cooper)
(celým jménem Donald Christopher Cooper)
(také Donald Christopher "D.C." Cooper)
(narozen 22. srpna 1965, Johnstown, Pennsylvania)

DC je americký zpěvák a hudebník. Začínal hrávat v několika místních kapelách a koncertoval v lokálních klubech v okolí Pittsburghu, zatímco studoval zpěv u proslulé operní pěvkyně Charlotte Coleman. První pozornost na sebe přitáhl, když se účastnil jako finalista jako náhrada Roba Halforda v Judas Priest. Po rozruchu, který vzbudil konkurzem, dostal nabídky zpívat pro mnoho evropských a amerických kapel. Vybral si ROYAL HUNT po dlouhém zvažování a oficiálně se připojil ke skupině 26. prosince 1994.

Po 4 letech u Royal Hunt náhle a nečekaně odešel ze skupiny po prohlášení zveřejněném na internetových stránkách. Pro svůj příští projekt, sólové album, v roce 1998 získal pomoc hudebníků z mnoha známých kapel (mezi nimi kytarista Tore Ostby, Conception, a člen Pink Cream 69). Deska vyšla v roce v roce 1999.

Po úspěšném turné Cooper vytvořil novou skupinu se členem Sinner, kytaristou Alexe Beyrodtem a nazvali ji Silent Force (2000-2012). S ní vydali čtyři studiová alba. Působil rovněž v kapele Missa Mercuria (2001-?).

Byl rovněž hostujícím zpěvákem pro Victory (1997), Explorers Club (1998), Pink Cream 69 (1998), Shadow Gallery (1998), Rage (2000), Edenbridge (2003,2007), Stronghold (2004), Steel Seal (2006), Genius: A Rock Opera (2007), Dol Ammad (2006,2010), Voyager (2011) a Derdian (2016).

Když Cooper nekoncertuje, často jej můžeme nalézt jako dobrovolného hasiče v jeho domovském státě Pensylvánie. Cooper je ženatý s Michelle Cooper a má dva syny, Clayton (2003) a Carson (2005).

DC Cooper nahrál vokály pro australský progresivní metalový projekt Voyager. V roce 2011 se vrátil k Royal Hunt a absolvoval s nimi turné po Japonsku a Rusku. Později téhož roku oznámil, že Cooper chce vytvořit novou nahrávku s kapelou.
Členové Gary Wehrkamp
Guitar, Keybs, Backing Vocals, Drums

Gary je velmi známý hudebník, skladatel, kytarista, člen skupiny SHADOW GALLERY.

Více na adrese:    Gary Wehrkamp

Členové Kurt Barabas

Kurt je americký baskytarista a je znám jako člen kapely Under The Sun.

Začínal hrát na kytaru ve svých 10 letech, ale v 15 uslyšel YES a řekl si "Uaaa, to je ale basa!!!" a tak se od svých 15 let přeorientoval na baskytaru.

Kalifornský symfoprogrockový soubor Under The Sun vznikl už na konci 80. let. Tvořili jej zpěvák, kytarista a perkusista Chris Shyrack, baskytarista Kurt Barabas, klávesista Matt Evidon a bubeník Paul Shkut. "Under The Sun" vydali v roce 2000 debutové album a o pět let později jim vyšlo ještě CD se záznamem konceru z června 2001. Jejich hudba ukazuje na vliv Yes, Rush a dalších kapel artrockové scény 40. let.

V roce 2014 se podílel jako baskytarista na nahrávání alba "Uncover The Truth" kapely Resurrect the Machine. Kurt se také zúčastnil jako host na nahrávkách Roswell Six (2009), Glass Wolfe (2005).
Členové Nick D'Virgilio

Nick je známý bubeník progresivní scény, který vystřídal hraní snad už s kdekým. Dokonce byl i účastníkem konkursu na bubeníka DREAM THEATER.

Více na adrese:    Nick D'Virgilio


DC Cooper - vocals
Gary Wehrkamp - guitar, keyboards
Nick D'Virgillio - drums
Kurt Barabas - bass

Chris Alla, Joe Stone - guitar
Jim Roberti - acoustic guitar
Shawn Gordon - keyboards
Trisha O'Keefe, Michael Sadler, Rick Fisher - background vocals
J.J. Astromsky, Jackie Wade, Alan J. Verone, William F. Crawford, Moe Rock, Junior Riehl (Junior Riehl), Heidi Kristen Crawford - voice
Voice In The Light
Studiové album, vyšlo 2007, ProgRock Records

Seznam skladeb:
01. Room 316 (1:33)
02. Friends Forever (2:56)
03. Coming of Age (4:58)
04. Incident at Haldemans Lake (11:43)
   a) Blades of Denial
   b) Nex Per Res
   c) Breath of Life
05. Reflections Part I (3:21)
06. I Promise You (2:57)
07. Consummation Opus (4:24)
08. Truth and Tragedy (2:57)
09. Shattered Dreams (13:29)
10. Viper (5:36)
11. Betrayed by Love (7:16)
12. Turning Point (4:48)
13. Revelation (13:06)
Total Time: (76:24)

Spielzeit: 78:49 Min.

CD Avalon #MICP-10672 (2007) Japan
CD Progrock Records PRR260 (2007) UK
Produced by Gary Wehrcamp and AMARAN'S PLIGHT
Label: ProgRock Records
Některé vydání obsahují 14 skladeb (jako skladba 12. Reflections Part II (2:40) mezi "Betrayed by Love" a "Turning Point").

Jedná se o koncepční album s nadpřirozenou tématikou podobně jako "Scenes From a Memory" od Dream Theater. ("pohled na jednoho člověka hledajícího odpovědí po klinické smrti"), ale "Voice in the Light" má méně kláves a více pomalých, baladicky laděných skladeb, a i přesto některé části jsou více symfonic prog než jen prog-metal.



Stránka kapely:
(ale je již nějakou dobu nefunkční)

Voice... 1. Room 316


Voice... 2. Friends Forever

An only child, a fatherless son
Searching for something to live, live for
Loneliness my only companion
Till this little angel moved in, next door

Who is the girl with the eyes of blue
She is a playmate and a best friend too
We have a bond
She brings joy to my life
Whenever she's in sight

I can't stop thinking of that girl next door
I found a reason to live for
She's my first taste of love
She's a miracle from above

She was sent here...
She was sent here...
So we could be together

Friends forever
We will be, friends forever
We will be, friends forever
We will be, friends forever

We will be...
Voice... 3. Coming of Age

Coming of age, don't understand how I feel
I live for her smile, it makes my world reel
She's always been there for me, she's my best friend
In my heart I always see her face
Passion is raining down

Feelings have been concealed
Now the truth must be revealed

My eyes they speak to me
They tell me the time is now
To take her love and set the stage
The wheels are in motion somehow

My eyes they speak to me
They tell me the time is now
To take her love and set the stage
The wheels are in motion somehow

There came at once, a point in time
When we would understand
She is now a woman and I am now a man

The visions rage within, there is evidence of that
We're all we ever had
This was a plan of divine circumstance
It is obvious our meeting was not by chance

My eyes they speak to me
They tell me the time is now
To take her love and set the stage
The wheels are in motion somehow
Voice... 4. Incident at Haldeman's Lake

I. Blades of Denial

The frigid wind, chills us to the bone
As our blades cut the ice
The lake is unforgiving in its quest
Her depths lure and entice

We're in our own perfect world
Desires on the move
Dreaming of green grass and lazy days
Blinding passion sets the mood

We are seduced and then betrayed
By our own encumbrance
We're in constant jeopardy
While exposed to the elements

With the twinkling of an eye
Our bliss turns to peril
I became one with the ice
The lake she beckoned me
Danger comes when things
Go awry
Then you fade and ask why, why, why...

II. Nex Per Res...


III. Breath of Life

The light in the tunnel fades
As her voice draws me back
I hear her cries but cannot speak
My body's numb, my senses weak

As I begin to drift away
I feel her lips touching mine
My eyes are open but I am blind

My spirit slams my body from above
As I begin to twist and shove
My angel saved my life
Brought me back from death and time
I've been given one more chance
To see my love, I won't forget, I...

Was seduced and then betrayed
By my own inconsequence
Survived my own uncertainty
And I'm back from moments stolen

Been to a place few have seen
Who was the voice in the light?
Why was I there? What did it mean?
Resurrected by a breath of life
Voice... 5. Reflections pt. 1

Years ago, I was all alone
And their eyes were on me
Mother died when I was nine
The pain was all I'd seen
The judge's hand had decreed a brand new way
The her family came and I was asked to stay

Used words for sadness, used words for pain
Used words for sadness, used words for pain

An angel came, to rescue me
And Rachel was her name
Reflections of that life are gone now
Our things were sold away
A yielding friend gave to me the angel's hand
My life has changed so much, displaced like shifting sand

There's no more sadness, there's no more pain
There's no more sadness, there's no more pain
Oh, in my day
Voice... 6. I Promise You

I never thought that I could feel this way, am I dreamin'?
You took away my tears and you
Helped me achieve the art of breathing

I promise you - I will love with every breath that I take
For better or worse, we will take this leap of faith
I promise you - I will give you all of myself
I promise you - I'll stand beside you everyday
I promise you

With these hands I'll try to build these dreams we can believe it
And in our palace you will reign my king, the stars are kneeling

I promise you - I will love with every breath that I take
For better or worse, we will take this leap of faith
I promise you - I will give you all of myself
I promise you - I'll stand beside you everyday
I promise you

I promise you - I will love with every breath that I take
For better or worse, we will take this leap of faith
I promise you - I will give you all of myself
I promise you - I'll stand beside you everyday
I promise you - I got a reason now to stay
I promise you

I never thought I could feel this way, am I dreamin'?
Voice... 7. Consummation Opus


8. Truth And Tragedy

She went away on business and something is oh, so wrong
I've fallen on my knees
I found I don't have very long
With this test it looks as though my life will fill with fear
Have I been mistaken, can I fight this through my tears?
Have I been resentful? Does this mean we are done?
Should I let her know
Is this really happening? Oh, tell me why am I the chosen one? No.
Or should I let her go?

Searching deep within myself, to find the words to say
How to tell the one I love I won't be here to stay
Should I leave this house, our home and drift into the night?
That way then I will not have to feel the pain
And see the fading light... in her eyes...
Voice... 9. Shattered Dreams

The journey of life is a delicate task
It has many twists and turns
Progress is fading and sinking real fast
Aimless with nowhere to run
The weight of the stress it discolors my skin
I'm blinded by my tears
I crawl up these walls that surround me now
Familiar scenes unfold

Life it can change in the blink of an eye
Tragedy comes with no warning sign

Shattered dreams - broken pieces of my life
Dreaded scenes - how can I fix them or my life, again

When youth was upon me, an angel appeared
And said I'd never be alone
Now my life moves before me, with chilling details
As I face death on my own

On my own... On my own...

They know there's something, that's growing inside
Their faces show, concerns they cannot hide
Their whispers bring on silent screams
Misfortune brings on, brings on shattered dreams

Hear the voice of wisdom
Message in the light
I curse the family tree that has brought
On all this plight

Driven by this silent voice, driven by my eyes
I curse the hands of time that are tearing me apart
Now as I exit the maze of discern
I enter the crossroads of life
There is no time for penance or pity
The truth I can't deny

Life it change, in the blink of an eye
Tragedy, it comes with no warning sign

Shattered dreams - Broken pieces of my life
Dreaded scenes - How can I fix them or my life?
Shattered dreams - Broken pieces of my life
Dreaded scenes - How can I fix them or my life, again?
Voice... 10. Viper

A serpent comes to slaughter all their innocence with greed
Bottom feeder eating up selfish looking deeds
Emotionally bonded you lose all your self-control
As his fangs are sinking deep, deep into your soul

A venomous seducer who is driven by his greed
Searching for a host and soul to fill his empty need
There's more to life than poison from a long and forked tip tongue
He's cold and calculated, it leaves your body numb

Enter your disbelief
It's your reality

His love brings only tears
Confirming your darkest fears
Your love for him is your demise
Beware of the viper in disguise

His love brings only tears
Confirming your darkest fears
Your love for him is your demise
Beware of the viper in disguise
He'll tear you apart
The viper in disguise

When you kiss the lips that speak all his nasty lies
See deception standing fast, sin within his eyes
The trusted walls you live in, start to close within
Closing down your confidence, your hope is wearing thin

Enter your disbelief
It's your reality

His love brings only tears
Confirming your darkest fears
Your love for him is your demise
Beware of the viper in disguise

His love brings only tears
Confirming your darkest fears
Your love for him is your demise
Beware of the viper in disguise

In the waning darkness, you will call out to God
His love brings only tears
Confirming your darkest fears
Your love for him is your demise
Beware of the viper in disguise

The Viper
My angel must not know their ways
I'll fix it all for her
The Viper
So Rachel will not see their faces
Voice... 11. Betrayed by Love

History is swirling, it's swirling round and round
Her life is in such turmoil, it's been turning upside down
I'm longing for the life I'm leaving, to some this seems like sin
A campaign has just begun, it starts from deep within

The black clouds of deceit, they're swallowing her hopes
They're moving with a likeness, flames of rage are being stoked
She's drowning in confusion, it's a sign of all these tests
The sacred ring that meant so much has been laid to rest
Inside my head...

I'll drive the wedge, she won't surrender
The darkened skies, she won't remember
All is hidden within jars of clay
Oh, my skin is turning gray
Betrayed by love, she'll drift away

The bleeding hearts have been opened by all the truths
that I've exposed
Besieged by all this mystery from all the pain that I've imposed
Engulfed in isolation, inside my world alone
Imprisoned by the secrecy, I do as I was shown
I don't know where it comes from, or was it always there?
Now it's time, I guess it should lead us to despair
Oh yes, I know...

I'll drive the wedge, she won't surrender
The darkened skies, she won't remember
All is hidden within jars of clay
Oh, my skin is turning gray
Betrayed by love, she'll drift away

I feel the betrayal...
You're abandoned by your dreams
The memories slip away, and yet I know...
It's up to me...
Voice... 12. Reflections pt.2

In the misty rain, he hides away
While tears fill up her eyes
She's come to me, to help her find
What's hidden in this fortress full of lies

My worried mind sends icy chills back down my spine
The Lion roars as past emotions burn inside

He hides his honor as she whispers prayers
I'm in the middle of these affairs

I paid the price with sacrifice but the choice was all my own
Abandoned dreams, at age 15
When I saw them both alone... it broke my heart

I try my best to leave the past where it belongs
But I can't stand and watch the pain tear through us all

Where is his honor? Where are her prayers?
It sounds like thunder when old love tears
We're left with questions and breaking hearts
Can I be trusted???
Voice... 13. Turning Point

I sit here locked inside myself
And watch the time roll past my life
Concerning parties scratch and dig
But they haven't got a clue

The loving ties I disconnect
They've torn apart from within the seams
Distorting the truth
I've found my iron will, will bleed the scenes

Sacrificing all my hopes and fears
Believing the words I found within
Her future it's always been with him

Waiting for the turning point
The silence it takes its toll on me
All of my actions disappoint
I'm finding her heart's consumed by him

By all accounts, we're in the red
We've all been hanging by a thread
The secret it dwells inside of me
It's barely alive but they can't see

Sacrificing all my hopes and fears
Believing the words I found within
Her future it's always been with him...

Waiting for the turning point
The silence it takes its toll on me
With pen in hand I disappoint
I'm finding her heart's consumed by him

Waiting for the turning point
The silence it takes its toll on me
All of my actions disappoint
In the end she'll be just fine

Coming to the breaking point
I leave no stone unturned
Deep within I fill the void
My screams go left unheard

Waiting for the turning point
The silence it takes its toll on me
With pen in hand I disappoint
In the end she'll be just fine

Waiting for the turning point
The silence it takes its toll on me
All of my actions disappoint
In the end I think she'll be just fine

She'll be just fine...
Voice... 14. Revelation

I am entering the winter of my life
Reflecting on my days gone by
The process has begun, the picture is abstract
There's no turning back from the voice inside my head
From inside my head

Looking back on my life
A sadness always chilling me
Within a distant childhood dream
The din of beating wings
Are muffled by the drugs that keep me sane
The snow white sheets they hide the pain
It's sad to say...

The whispered truth can lead her to salvation
My setting sun will turn the page
A prophecy born of grace and its dedication
My broken body will be shed

All the groundwork is set
And what we learn from the Bible, we know
These are the words I believe
Oh, the angel she'll weep, then read between all these lines
Then she'll be filled with the light
This sick and dying man in room 316
(Thirty years, strong in my heart)
He'll provide all the answers, tell them what this all means
It's a rare form of cancer and my family's curse
For it will be end of life... of life

The whispered truth can lead to her salvation
My setting sun will turn the page
A prophecy born of grace and its dedication
My broken body will be shed

John's been gone for days
And I can't even find his shadow
No depth of self-restraint to commiserate

Mild minds and soft solutions, she's crying on my shoulder
I've sustained resistance long enough
Now I won't turn her away

The whispered truth has lead me to this revelation
My setting sun will turn the page
A prophecy born of grace and its dedication
My broken body will be shed

These hidden truths can lead you to your salvation
The trumpets' call will turn the page
Words of wisdom are cloaked in a careful narration
'Cause this fallen world soon shall pass

Soon shall pass...

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